AXIS Student Ministry
Mission Statement: To partner with parents to help students (grades 6-12) discover their identity in Christ and develop Christ-centered community with others.

Registration is open –only 23 spots available

Mission Statement: To partner with parents to help students (grades 6-12) discover their identity in Christ and develop Christ-centered community with others.
Registration is open –only 23 spots available
Install our app using add to home screen in browser. In phone/ipad browser, click on share icon in browser and select add to home screen in ios devices or add to dock in macos.
Install our app using add to home screen in browser. In phone/ipad browser, click on share icon in browser and select add to home screen in ios devices or add to dock in macos.
Installation complete. The browser may be closed and the app opened from the added icon.
Push notification permission blocked in browser settings. Reset the notification settings for website/PWA